

Brandon Wilkes’ Coaching The Farmers Was ‘Clearly Meant To Happen’

Wheat Ridge high school is proud to welcome Brandon Wilkes to the Physical Education team and coaching staff for the Farmers Football team.  The Wilkes family rolled into Wheat Ridge on July 30 of this year. At the time the family consisted of Brandon, his wife Jessica, Bennett (who is currently a sophomore at Wheat

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Jane Johnson And Career Explore Keeps Kids In School

Jane Johnson, coordinator of the Career Explore program at Wheat Ridge High School, is particularly proud of her high school graduates who nearly dropped out before enrolling in Career Explore. “Many were not on track to graduate. We keep them in school by addressing their interests and helping them gain career readiness before they graduate.”

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What’s In Store For Middle And High Schools?

The Denver school board had a list of schools to be shut down due to not meeting the minimum criteria set in their closure study. It started with 19 schools, down to 10 and then five. After further community pressure, that list was further reduced to two schools, only to be reduced to zero the

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Closures: How Did We Get Here, What Can We Do?

I’m the proud father of four WRHS Farmers. I served as the Chair and CoChair of the WRHS School Accountability Committee for five years, and have watched the interaction between Jeffco Public Schools and Wheat Ridge for a decade. Like many, I’m outraged by the proposal to close three WR elementary schools after millions in

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Kudos For Ms. Siddoway, Kullerstrand

Dear Editor, From the moment you are greeted by Ms. Siddoway you are embraced with warmth, kindness, love and passion. After 18 years of being a teacher at Kullerstrand Elementary, her passion for teaching continues to grow. My son had Ms. Siddoway for first grade, he started her class as a remote student in August

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Bill Gold Teaches In A Real-World Community

“I don’t teach fake anything,” says Bill Gold, social studies teacher at Everitt Middle School. While at Everitt, he’s taught all eighth-graders U. S. history almost every year. This year, Gold is teaching three eighth-grade classes with 30 students each and, due to declining enrollment in the Everitt school neighborhood, two sixth-grade classes.  Books stuffed

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Parents And Neighbors Speak Out On Proposed Elementary School Closures

Kullerstrand, Vivian and Wilmore Davis are among 16 Jefferson County elementary schools that are recommended for closure next year, according to a report from the Jeffco Public Schools Superintendent Tracy Dorland at a special meeting of the Board of Education, Aug. 25. The board will vote on the proposed recommendation on Nov. 10, following a

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Wheat Ridge Schools Need Your Kids, Not Your Yard Signs

There was a time where you moved to a neighborhood and your parents would look for the nearest school and that’s where you would go. Schools were about pure education. Teaching you to write, to read and various levels of math. When families started tuning in closer to what motivated their children, they began shopping

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Janelle Jerman: Teaching Young Kids Is ‘So Much Fun’

“I love teaching because every day there’s something new,” said Janelle Jerman, a music teacher at Prospect Valley Elementary in Wheat Ridge since 2002.  “Teaching the younger kids is great because they love you no matter what,” she said. “And they’re not as self-conscious as older kids. So we can do things like dance and

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Star High School Principal Cooley Bids Wheat Ridge Goodbye

“Wheat Ridge High School is a special place.” These are the words I heard over and over again during my first month as principal on The Farm. Students, parents, staff, alumni and community members all said the same thing. To be honest, I was hesitant to believe a place could be so special. I mean,

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Second Graders’ ‘Wish For Wheels’ Comes True

On Wednesday, May 18, second grade students at Stevens Elementary started summer early by taking home a brand new bike and bike helmet, custom fit to them!  Local nonprofit Wish for Wheels, founded in 2004 by Brad Appel, treated approximately 50 second graders to new “Stevens blue” Huffy bikes. Each student got to choose a

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Community Superintendent Retires

My heart is full as I write to you for the final time as your community superintendent. I head into retirement with immense pride. Each year I see the joy of our graduating students and their loved ones at the Wheat Ridge High School graduation. Every student who walks across that stage is a success

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Student Life At Alpine Valley School

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Thanks primarily to Spider-Man, this is an expression we have all heard countless times. Nowhere is it more true than at Alpine Valley School, a small private school in Wheat Ridge that practices the Sudbury model of education. The power that students wield at our school – the ability

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Learning And Serving At Everitt

Learning in Jeffco changes more every year and Everitt Middle School is keeping pace. There is a new class offered at Everitt this year. Angela Neve just began an elective course called Service Learning. “This is the second semester at Everitt for the class… I have high hopes for its continued success. This experience is

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New Ventures For Stevens Elementary Principal

When I was hired into the position of principal at Stevens Elementary in the spring of 2017, I honestly jumped for joy. I knew that serving this community would be a life-changing experience, and it definitely has been! The last five years have gone by so quickly, and my heart is full of treasured memories

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What Do Farmers Want To Know About Space?

NASA astronaut Raja Chari fielded space exploration questions from Wheat Ridge High School students during a NASA-TV live broadcast from the International Space Station the morning of Feb. 18. During an assembly in the school’s auditorium that morning, students and guests watched the broadcast after a brief FAQ presentation and remarks by Congressman Ed Perlmutter,

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3 Wishes From A Local Elementary Principal

Someday, historians will look back on March 2020, and the years following, examining the way in which the world responded to an unimaginable global crisis. Toilet paper disappeared overnight, liquor stores hit an all-time high for sales, and schools closed. Historians will critically analyze how we as educators reacted to this unprecedented interruption to education. What will

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Navigating The Road To Education In Jeffco

For many families with school age children, it’s enrollment time of the year again. And while for many it will just be a repeat action, we are seeing more parents considering new options.  It wasn’t that long ago that families found themselves needing to create a classroom environment in their own homes – competing, of

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Tremendous Growth At Sts. Peter And Paul Catholic STEM School

Becoming a Catholic STEM school in 2018, Sts. Peter and Paul is preparing a generation of faith-filled young people who are equipped to shape the future. The benefits of a STEM education – emphasizing science, technology, engineering and math – are well-established. Sts. Peter and Paul faculty have thoughtfully worked to adopt an inspired Catholic

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Rebuilding Jeffco Public Schools

With declining enrollment and declining academic achievement, both exacerbated by the pandemic, the Jeffco Public School’s Board of Education meeting on Nov. 10 was rough. Superintendent Tracy Dorland had two review items on the agenda: an assessment of academic functions performed by consultant Jaime Aquino, Ph.D., and the 2018 capital improvement mid-program assessment performed by

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Enough ‘Scores’ – Let’s Tell Our Schools’ Stories

Wheat Ridge, like many of the communities in the metro area, has families moving into our neighborhoods in a competitive housing market. As these families select the best neighborhood for their unique needs many ask their Realtor, friends and new neighbors about the local schools. I have had neighbors, friends and friends of friends reach

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Breaking Ground For New Prospect Valley Elementary

While Prospect Valley’s website shows an old black-and-white photograph of the original school building back in 1898 at 32nd and Pierson, the PV most of us know is the one built in 1967. It has a rounded network of hallways and open concept classrooms with no doors, and walls low enough for laughter and excitement

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Jeffco Schools Moving Forward

If COVID-19 has benefited us in any way, it’s shed a bright light on our district’s challenges and needs. During remote learning, parents saw what happens in their children’s classrooms. Some were pleased, while others discovered that their children were not grasping critical concepts and were falling behind. However, Jeffco’s achievement problems started long before

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Redefining Gifted And Talented

The debate over Gifted and Talented (GT) education has gone on for years. From the outside of the community, it is often expressed with questions like, “What’s the gift?”, “What’s the talent?” And even, “What makes your kid so much more special than mine?” Sometimes the complaints came from principals and teachers who wanted to

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