Evan Doukas


Choosing the Right Plants for Our High Country Climate

Many gardeners are bringing new plants and fruit trees into their yards. If you are doing so, I want to share some important advice on plant selection.  Experienced gardeners in Colorado know that our high, dry, intense and inconsistent climate presents unique challenges. Here in our area, we are classified as a newly updated USDA

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The Power of Mulching

In last month’s article, we discussed the goodness of “no-till” and why working less by ditching the tiller might be your best move yet! However, there is one more layer (pun intended) to this methodology which is inseparable from no-till; and that is mulching. 10 years ago, I adopted deep mulching methods in my permaculture

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To Till or Not To Till?

As Spring is quickly approaching, many gardeners may be thinking about how they will begin prepping, including the arduous task of tilling their soil once it warms up. Although this has been such a regular practice for many (including my family growing up), I would love to propose an idea that may be quite challenging: 

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